jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010
LURRIKARA (Earthquake)

Febuary 4, 2010
Personally I consider that some of the Medias have given an exaggerated treatment about the Haitian earthquake, nearly a month ago. Besides the morbid curiosity, the harsh images or even the idea of an alleged conspiracy, the truth is that in
How many persons have spent 10, 14 or even more days under the rubble, without no water, no food, defying our biological laws of survival and against all odds they have been rescued alive? What kind of secret device triggers the man, pushing him to wage a frantic, savage and even desperate struggle for life? The human species, like any other, holds many secrets. I admire the physical and mental ability we hide inside. It’s just fascinating! The struggle for life sometimes so forgotten in our “first world” is reborn with an unusual strength in the places hardest hit by disasters. It is curious, that we,
that have it “all” lose the passion for life while those who have “nothing” fight and have the strength to cling to it more and more. The truth is that soon, no one will remember the tragedy lived in Haiti and again, as usual, what has been news for days will disappear from our eyes and therefore from our thoughts. Let us make an effort in not to forget and to remember that human beings even in the most adverse conditions proves to have an irrepressible desire to survive and to experience the greatest gifts of all,
to live life.
lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

January 29, 2010