Published in DEIA, Sept. 23, 2010
THEY SAY that magic is something that exists but it can not be normally seen. I do not know if this is right, but what I do think is that when it appears, you feel it. September 18. I arrive to Iruna's bullring (Pamplona). Greetings, hugs and a kind of tension that encourages you to feel the intensive the moment. With the so-called spectacle Amorena´s Children - Amorenaren Kimuak celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Retinue of the Gigantes and Cabezudos (a carnival figure with an enormous head) of Iruña (Pamplona). A century and half of work, music, dance and the effort of several generations in pursuit of a common project. Absolutely enviable. In the course of the night you lived unique moments. It was so curious to me to see the reconstructed workshop, which originally was in Estafeta Street, where the Agote Tadeo Amorena, had constructed the giants. I couldn’t stop looking at them. So enormous and dancing in an amazing way, surrounded by the kilikis and zaldikos joining along with the music a fascinating collage. 14,000 exultant people in the stands shared with all of us that fantastic and unforgettable moment. They participated among others, groups like The Pamplonesa, Jarauta, gaiteros (the bagpipers) and txistularis (the Basque flutist) of the Town Council of Iruña and Josetxo Goia who composed a special theme for this occasion. While I was interpreting the theme Muskerraren Balsa & La Balso de Comoboscuro from my record Bilbao Hora 00.00h, with the ally of the giants dancing, I came to realize how marvelous the results come out of a theme composed in a determined moment and under some concrete circumstances and when you present it, it begins to sustain life and then, one does not know where it is headed to neither the roads it will take. Giants, zaldikos and kilikis, came to life, one more time, forging stories that joined the people in a collective way in becoming magical that join illusions, efforts and hopes. Mila esker (Thank you) for sharing it with me and zorionak (congratulations) to you all.
Photograph by Javier Sesma