Published in DEIA, Oct. 21, 2010
There are moments in the life that one does not expect. They appear and invade everything around with a tremendous force, producing a kind of crash of sensations of the most surprising. Moments that are not expected enrich less. Unique experiences knowing that the transcendent and special they are, you begin to enjoy them long before they even take place. Next October 23 the Conservatory of Leioa celebrates their 30 anniversary. In order to celebrate such event the following choirs will participate: La Kantoría, San Juan Bautista Abesbatza y Leioa Kantika Korala, as well as the Young Orchestra of Leioa, they will perform in the Palacio Euskalduna Auditorium of Bilbao. In the first part of the act, the 3 choral associations directed by Basilio Astulez will sing, while after that it will be the turn of the Young Orchestra of Leioa under the direction of Margarita Lorenzo of Reizabal and finally to conclude the act with Magnificat of Josu Elberdin, in which I will personally collaborate. When they invited me for the concert my feelings were of an immense joy. It’s very special to be able to share stage with them. Not only for who are they, but to be able to experience many things by their side. I have always felt attracted by the sensation of discovering new values that happen after having taken care of one's, taught and somehow given a shape. That labor of the county’s singers that they take care of, in every level, from very many young children that attend the conservatory, gyms... It will be so exciting to be able to feel and experiencing next to them that young energy of new hopes and illusions. So important as in hearing them, is as to see them and being aware that all of them are the product of your their own personal effort, but at the same time of all and every one of the people of the Conservatory of Leioa. We know that it is easier to buy than to create, to check out than to teach but the reward on a personal and human level when you see all that effort you gave out to them is there and amazing...it’s priceless. Zorionak! (Congratulations)