WHEN they asked the possibility of writing a column in the newspaper to me, the idea surprised me and filled me with illusion, beginning a new road in which, I could experiment, the same as in music, the possibility of transmitting one point by view, a personal way to understand life.
Many people have given me an uncountable list of singers, musicians, special acts, cultures events of countries that I have visited, etc in order that it would be echoed in my albums. And that's where this column has served me as tool in order to bring into light the many ideas and events experienced in life that has been coming to me.
One of these themes is the one of the Day of the Missions that will be celebrated next Saturday March 19 under the motto "It is time of dreaming shared projects". Wars in cover, battles for oil, diamonds, hunger, the diseases ... The Truth is That the worldwide perspective and more in the third world is not very encouraging but we cannot forget either that if the panorama is pessimistic on one hand, on the another one we have the example of people that works on the above-cited Missions, that they fight against it, offering their lives in favor of the well-being of the fellow being, always from the respect and the admiration of their town’s idiosyncrasy and on top... in exchange for nothing. Leading men that, unlike what styles today, they prefer to give than to receive and fight against injustice and despotism with the coherence as their like only weapon.
It is anguish to think about the disappointments and the problems that there are to surpass every day while from our comfort it is hard for us to place ourselves in their shoes. This Saturday is the day to take notice of friends, neighbors or our relatives that have achieve by their means of effort and dedication in far away lands. May these lines be useful as a tribute to what this next Saturday we are going to live in the course of all our geography. This goes to you!