domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


Published by DEIA, March 17, 2011

WHEN they asked the possibility of writing a column in the newspaper to me, the idea surprised me and filled me with illusion, beginning a new road in which, I could experiment, the same as in music, the possibility of transmitting one point by view, a personal way to understand life.

Many people have given me an uncountable list of singers, musicians, special acts, cultures events of countries that I have visited, etc in order that it would be echoed in my albums. And that's where this column has served me as tool in order to bring into light the many ideas and events experienced in life that has been coming to me.

One of these themes is the one of the Day of the Missions that will be celebrated next Saturday March 19 under the motto "It is time of dreaming shared projects". Wars in cover, battles for oil, diamonds, hunger, the diseases ... The Truth is That the worldwide perspective and more in the third world is not very encouraging but we cannot forget either that if the panorama is pessimistic on one hand, on the another one we have the example of people that works on the above-cited Missions, that they fight against it, offering their lives in favor of the well-being of the fellow being, always from the respect and the admiration of their town’s idiosyncrasy and on top... in exchange for nothing. Leading men that, unlike what styles today, they prefer to give than to receive and fight against injustice and despotism with the coherence as their like only weapon.

It is anguish to think about the disappointments and the problems that there are to surpass every day while from our comfort it is hard for us to place ourselves in their shoes. This Saturday is the day to take notice of friends, neighbors or our relatives that have achieve by their means of effort and dedication in far away lands. May these lines be useful as a tribute to what this next Saturday we are going to live in the course of all our geography. This goes to you!

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


Published by DEIA, March 10, 2011

In the course of the year there are events because of their characteristics keeps a narrow relation with us all. Still I remember those disguises of Indians, cowboys or anything else that we used to dress ourselves up to go out into the street and to have a good time, and "legally" for some days, to be able to be what one wanted to be.

I suppose that as in so many other things that the essences of these festivals do not remain much today. At the present almost all the celebrations, for much of legend or history that they treasure, they have become just mere days of enjoyment, a time of leisure, becoming scarcer.

It is not clear the origin of these festivals so colorists and happy as are the festivals of carnivals. There are several theories about it but I believe that the most exact talks to us about a pagan’s origins festival recovered or adapted, one more time, by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. The word Carnival comes from the Italian word "Carnevale", which means "the epoch in which you can eat meat," so what, as it is known, precedes Lent that goes from the Ash Wednesday to the Holy Thursday being an epoch of reflection and penance according to the Catholic rite. That means that, supposedly, the carnival would function as a kind of final goodbye to give way to an epoch of crisis and spiritual transformation. Today although in a very "light” way, as it keeps on being everything in our society, we keep on disguising ourselves and feeling that for a moment in our life is another with different circumstances, adding a little bit of mental health to our stressed spirit.

But there is a type of daily carnival in the course of the year in which, unlike to the other, the disguise we wear is inside, hiding a lot of things that we do not like while we circumvent other ones that we are ignorant of, returning to interpret that different paper even if we look outside or to our inner self. And so on 364 days a year ... after the carnival: out with the disguises, out with the masks and Why not? To always have fun. What prevent us?

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011


Published by DEIA, March 3, 2011

The heat of the spotlights on my forehead and on my hand. My brain tries to concentrate on the music that I am interpreting. I want to focus on what I am doing. I look at the public, I see their faces and I start feeling the music but at the same time, in my mind, many thoughts start passing by and experiences lived. I close my eyes and I feel.

It has always been thought that the brain that is divided into two hemispheres divides its functions according to one thing or another. Thinking, talking, reasoning at the left side and the emotional, space at the right. It was thought that when carrying out a task one of the hemisphere according to its nature was used, but now one knows that, in spite of that there are functional sides, when we accomplish certain activities, as in learning how to play an instrument, the functions are distributed finally in both areas creating a more complex neuronal network. It has also been discovered that the brain regenerates the functions of every area making dependent on the needs of the same ones at the moment , that is, that if for any reason that it is there is an area of the brain that we stop using, he himself recycles it allotting other functions, for example, a person that becomes blind, within time the brain adjusts the cerebral areas in vision to new functions as in smelling, breathing, feeling etcetera, what turns our brain into the most adaptable and incredible organ that we have, almost as something of magic.

Music lovers admire the interpreter's fingers without stopping to think that everything as much as they make their fingers do, everything as much as he feels and he is capable to transmit, is also born in their mind. Thanks to it we think, feel and we talk. It helps us to relate with the world outside and to create our inner side. It knows everything about us and, on the other hand, we can only manage by intuition to know something of everything that it saves.

A fascinating capable machine that translates complex chemical formulas, in feelings, sensations, state of humor....... Or is it that there is something more?

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Published by DEIA, Feb. 24, 2011

A helicopter flies over an area of the Amazonian jungle. They control a supposed incursion of lumberjacks of furtive appropriate trees from the jungles of Peru next to the frontier with Brazil. All of a sudden, they discover a village inhabited by native people that attended amazed to such a fantastic and mutual discovery. The problem of deforestation and illegal felling of trees in the Amazon, the planet’s lung, is already known, but reading this new discovery, one more time, of native people that live apart in the jungle is something that has surprised me, arousing several reflections in me.

Day by day they tell us that they have discovered several animal species, unexplored corners and, even now, tribes that remained isolated, while in the meantime we, the proud ones belonging to the first world, we toil in discovering water in Mars, solar stains, etc. We want to span outside without clearly knowing what we have here at home?

Sometimes I think that the human being is the most absurd species on the face of the earth. We strive to protect animals in danger of extinction, forests and natural surroundings and, even, we work to preserve caves, works of art, coasts and, per contra, almost nobody thinks that one’s own mankind should be protected, not only that, we even think that we do to them a favor when discovering them and abducting to our way of life. We cannot permit that money and interests finish with them and their life form. They are the perfect photo of our past roots, the one we are always try to achieve and never are sure to have gotten. We are lucky enough to be able to live our origins through them.

Imagine what sensations they had to experiment when seeing a helicopter for the first time. It's sure that it would be the same for us when discovering the most fantastic of the manned UFOs.

And again the history repeats itself; they are the same, we 5 centuries ago on horseback and now suspended in mid-air.

A new opportunity for, this time, to do better... I hope.