Sometimes we have to forget what one knows to be able to imagine what he needs. At times it results more interesting how to create and discover than to compile the necessary knowledge. It is complicated to assume why the human beings becomes mentally blinded in establishing laws and concepts of almost invariable nature, knowing about the relativity of the things. While we were making a comment about the curious existing connotation between the music, mathematicians and physics, a friend of mine talks to me about the theory of The Music of the Spheres in order to try to understand the existing harmony in the universe. According to the theory, backed up by important thinkers like Pythagoras, the universe would function as a giant-sized musical instrument. Each heavenly body would broadcast a musical note in terms of the arithmetic proportions of its orbits around Earth. Something like what happens with the strings of a harp, whose tones depends on the length of each one of them. Combining the sounds of every sphere with the other ones, resounding only synchrony, so-called Music of the Spheres would be produced, that could even explain the origin of the universe. But when the German astronomer Johannes Kepler appears on scene he theorizes on what we really can say, the type of sound that emits each heavenly body, it is the velocity he moves with and not the distance that separates it from us. Today one knows that the atmosphere of the sun emits imperceptible sound waves audibly for us, but that would prove that heavenly bodies emit harmonious sounds confirming the above-cited Music of the Spheres. And again how relative that is. The more we know, the more we find out more varies our perception of what surrounds us. But there is something that remains invariable forever. The importance that it is to imagine, in creating, giving form or shape to the unknown, which is where the essences of all search is located, the absence of response.
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