Many times, what seems to us an ancestral ritual result to be a story that has nothing to do with what we believed, and what seem to be for many, ignorance, passions me, which converts the past into a true mystery
to discover.
Continuing with this thought I would like to highlight the discovery made by a group of scientists a very special hominid's cadaver in Denisov, south of Siberia, Russia. Thanks to an exhaustive DNA analysis they can firm that this specie, that lived more than 30,000 years ago, totally unknown for us. As of today it was thought that there were only two types of hominids: The Neanderthal and the modern humans. But thanks to this discovery it has been demonstrated that, at least, they were three. They have named Denisova to this new sort of hominid. The Denisova is a far lost cousin of the former Neanderthal, revolutionizing all the theories on our origin as species. Tomás Marques Bonet, a Spanish scientist that has taken part in this project, affirms: “Till last year it was said that the modern humans got to Europe and exterminated the Neanderthals, from now on there will be a change in the way of understanding the human evolution.”
An example that proves that we can never take anything for known and that only the human stupidity can think that we already know everything, because there are always things to discover. Who knows if in the future there will be unforgotten main characters that neither could we imagine the transcendence that they had in history? Right now we are living some celebrations that in reality come from pagan rituals where the solstice of winter and the victory of the light over darkness were celebrated. As you see, even what we think is real can keep a mystery turning our lives into something fascinating, embellished by the unknown. I hope that this 2011 many of our dreams can be reached within our hands. The rest belongs to us, a mystery. Urte berrion!!!
Photograph EFE
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