domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


Published by DEIA, May 12, 2011

Just a few days ago I visited the city of Gijon because I collaborated in recorded a CD - DVD on behalf of the Band of Gaitas of Llariegu. I know that it sounds a little bit as a topic but every time that I visit Cantabria, Asturias or Galicia, for a concert or to collaborate with musicians of the area, I feel very special things because of the different encounters and at the same time being unique. And I say that after traveling through so many countries in which I feel very comfortable, yet there is something in these communities and in their people that fills me with energy and makes me feel just as in home.

In this occasion I was going to spend a few days collaborating with the band of bagpipes due to the complexity of the project: Preparation, rehearsals, concert, etc. Now what really caught my interest are the passion and the desire that each and every members of the band had in every moment. The Gaitas's Band of Llariegu is an amateur band, of enthusiastic people having much talent that has nothing to envy any professional group since by not living by the music doesn’t sincerely make a difference at the time of effort and to embroider a project as we were doing.

Our first encounter was in their site of rehearsal, in Sariegu, where for the first time I felt the true potential of the group with the percussions and the bagpipes clobbering to the maximum. What a sound! How much strength! It is incredible to feel yourself wrapped up with so much energy and to be able to contribute with your own that, at the same time, multiplies by moment.

The concert was in La Laboral of Gijon, ancient university recycled now in a building for several activities and with a very special charm. A curious and shocking place all at the same time. The repertoire was of the most interesting and in my case I played several themes of the Breton culture while we interpreted some parades it reminded harmoniously to me our arin-arin.

The first impression, so many times, is the one that counts, although, at times, we make a great effort in dimming our feeling with our minds.

I drew a smile the first day that I listened to them and I thought: “It is clear that the musical travels by air ...” Let's not give it a second thought.

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