AN anniversary is something that does not have less relevance because of its repetitive, it depends the same one belonging to the nature of the event that stands out.
Next Saturday, June 18, will have place in the Church of San Juan Bautista Saint of Leioa a very special concert that will begin the 10th year celebration of Leioa Kantika Korala, a commemoration that reflects the effort of many people making won choral music, albums and with a great deal, very much, talent. At 8:30 p.m., and in addition to Kantika, also will participate in the same act, the juvenile chorus of feminine voices The Kantoria and San Abesbatza, of mixed voices, all belonging to the Municipal Conservatory´s Choral School of Leioa, inaugurating three compositions entrusted and written specially for that day by Xabier Sarasola, Josu Elberdin and Javier Busto.
I have always sought to intertwine the sound of the different instruments among themselves. The sum of their personalities is a magical combination. The voice is the most complex and perfect instrument God forbid existed and the sound that it is capable to express has gotten to excite us during thousands of years that we all have brought ourselves near to that so complex and demanding world. For some time now I have been collaborating with Leioa Kantika Korala, trying to investigate, to discover and to create next to them, a whole world of shared sonorities, converting this collaboration in a fascinating adventure and a true pleasure.
In future dates Leioa Kantika Korala will share their music through the Catalan lands, the French Provence and Sunday, July 24 in Zornotza Amorebieta, next to the great Xabier Amuriza and ourselves, that we will present, one more time, the spectacle Beti Bizi, with a fusion of voices, ancient Biscayan ballads, melodies of dance and a lot of illusion.
With the most ancient, the voice, you write down new full spaces of shades, colors and textures that I am absolutely delighted by... ZORIONAK eta mila esker!!! (Congratulations and Thank you!!!)
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