Seated in my chair taking notes over my small sensations that comes to my mind in my notebook remembering the first time that I stepped on Moroccan lands, our destiny? The city of Tangier, to attend the Tarab Tangier, international festivity of folk music in which we were invited to share our music with groups of India, Iran, Portugal and Bulgaria.
Tangier is a city in the northern part of Morocco situated at the coasts of the Strait of Gibraltar, and example of a different neighbor’s culture. The Festivity, in his third edition and under the motto Crossroads, took place the 22nd till the 26th of June, in which we performed Saturday the 25th. It’s time to go out on stage and we perform in a privileged surrounding, a Portuguese’s fortress of the XVIIth century on the dock. I was delighted by the spirit of this soul festivity as a distinguish link of artistic and cultural international interchange level. Coincidences of life, we had just released our new project Ultramarinos & Coloniales and, all of a sudden, I see myself walking by those incredible Medinas, (The Medinas are the most exciting places of most of the Moroccan cities. In them are concentrated a great commercial, cultural and free activity of the population) alleys as if fraught mazes of commerces and stands, with unique colors, radiating life. Exclusives corners that is necessary to search for to discover part of this culture and a kind of so odd life. Even in the same festivity they offered us their typical foods with lots of spice, different and very suggestive flavors that are also a part of the surroundings and the culture of a fascinating country. As I understand it I think that is how a festival should be, representing an interchange with the people from out of town, carrying out a true cultural encounter across-the-board.
After the presentation, straight off the street at the old quarter of Bilbao, Ultramarinos & Colonial begins his way walking through the different stages that we will wander around for the next few months. Now it is our turn, let’s pull on stage the rhythms, melodies and all the emotions that we are capable to create: "these are our products". And I insure you that the people of Tangier…Have shopped!!!
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