At the end everything is relative.
So many times life pushes you around from one side to another to abandon your comfort and the tranquillity that one "has won" in the course of time. I still don’t understand very well why, but every day I am more convinced that when one reaches that certain level of personal peace, either for oneself or for circumstances of life, the same one, arrives and bottles you in much more "undigested" roads but in the long run offering many more new possibilities.
Today I am going to talk about an incredible adventure that began several years ago when Jeb Corliss, today totally an expert in what is called "Extreme Jump", was immersed in a very strong depression. Nothing managed to draw him out of that state and he came up with the idea of coming closer to this new sport of risk. That way, taking advantage of a negative feeling like absence of illusion for life he used it as a driving force to face a series of events experienced in life of an apparent danger. Jeb is an expert on jumping almost from any place with the only help of a parachute or a simple suit that helps him to glide. He has jumped from The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the San Francisco Golden Gate and there forward more than 1,000 jumps. His next challenge is in gliding through the hole of Tianmen in China.
Without carrying things to such an extreme like Corliss, the life of any of us tends always toward comfort, to the routine. It’s scary but at the same time it proves to be fascinating to check that fears tortures our existence, undervaluing the achievements that by means of our development we succeed, and it is when worse we go, when we see the least of exits in our life, when we are more capable to reveal and to conquer the deepest terrors, discovering an absolutely inherent magic to the human being, the one of equilibrium, only when you really want to hug death then is it possible to re-find yourself with life.
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