March 12, 2010
Next Sunday, March 14, marks the 30th anniversary of the tragic plane crash in Shaktoolik, Alaska, on board, Felix Samuel Rodriguez de la Fuente, born precisely the 14th of March in Poza de la Sal, in the providence of Burgos and two of his colleagues, Theordore Roa and Alberto Marino. Isn’t strange how coincidence can occur sometimes in life. Many of the most cherished memories of my childhood are related in some way with music. Everything began on Friday night, after the mandatory news, suddenly you could fill the kitchen was over flooded with the first notes of the theme which was absolutely shocking; “El hombre y la Tierra “ (The man and the earth) was beginning. Rarely have I seen a melody so perfectly summarizes the essence of the serie to which it belongs. After the music of the maestro Antón García Abril images began appearing on screen and finally emerges the well known and admired voice of Dr. Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente. Very few know that “The friend of the animals” had a degree in medicine but instead he became a self taught naturalist and ethologist. A convinced falconer, Felix recovered the forgotten medieval art based on manuscripts and treaties of that period, which explains the basics in “capture the free with chained”. But what really launched him to fame was his television serie. Rodriguez de la Fuente, thanks to “El hombre y la Tierra “made us consent of something so forgotten by society back then, nature in our homes. Today, thanks to him, we all know what a dormouse is, the sound of the wolf’s howl or the meaning of the words “ecological pyramid” or “ecosystem”. Felix awoke in our society a new awareness that has been essential in protecting what we still have alive. When someone knows how to reach the public, manage, arrange and create something new and different, success is guaranteed, even above all criticism, that’s no miracle, it is just pure talent.
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