ALL people should keep a special memory to those persons who developed unknown facets, in areas such as creativity, knowledge, society ... We all know that with the type of life that we lead, mostly we rely more on the immediacy of our existence. What only exists is what takes place now. This requires of us to always stay alert to any changes occurring around us, but at the same time it allows us to drop into oblivion things that have been the result of the effort and the devotion of many people who have dedicated their lives to enrich, in many ways, our existence. A few days ago I read an article in this newspaper, dedicated to the work being done by the José Miguel de Barandiaran´s Foundation and the inauguration of the Barandiaran´s museum in the town of Ataun. Let’s take, for example, On Joxe Miel. Born in 1889 and was ordained priest in 1914. In 1916 he found several dolmens in the mountains of Aralar and from then on until 1991, date of death, On Joxe Miel has conducted an incredible job on our culture, our past history and, above all, our essence as a country. How many of our kids know this? How many of us know of his work, and the magnitude of it? And like him, how many others do we know more? We have the obligation to collect and make available to all of us, old and young, what we inherited from characters as fascinating as Aita Barandiaran and so many others. We can not afford to lose these incredible messages by the apathy and disinterest which is growing in many areas of our society. I would like to dedicate this column to all the people, whether in foundations, museums, etc.., worked hard and struggled so that our memory does not blur in the mists of time and much of that knowledge created, redeemed and investigated by these true heroes, will not be forgotten and we, all of us and those to come, enjoy and make use of this treasure.
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