In this very moment they are trying to scan every inch of the most representative image of the Bardenas, the head of Castildetierra, with a boulder included, to proceed to build an exact replica of him, when inevitably natural causes will cause it to collapse. We have similar examples, such as replicas of the caves of Altamira or Ekain. Today, originality is difficult to find, it’s hard to work on new creative bases. We are too influenced by what surrounds us and often we do not find a way to live and, above all, to create our own style. Copy is neither better nor worse than creating, it's just different and often the copy far exceeds the original but between copies and originals there must be a balance, which today is absent in sight. Replies in our world are increasingly successful and flood harder a wide range of opportunities which we can access for. We all want our children to study in the best places and have an outstanding preparation. But also, many times those developments restrict them in some way, the creativity and originality of the individual. I myself am self-taught of the musical instrument triki, it’s a slower and more expensive way of learning. But at the same time, during this process strengthens the spirit of overcoming, forcing yourself to create and develop a unique style of doing things ... something much more difficult to find and carry out, perhaps in part, by I mentioned before. I have a musician friend who after studying for years in the conservatory, after finishing, I said to me: "Now I need as many years to forget what I´ve learn.” and to tell the truth he is not so wrong about it. The notions and concepts are fundamental, but also it’s very important the personal contribution of each one. Everything in life depends on a robust, yet fragile balance; all depends on it, even dependence.
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