I BELIEVE THAT we have become the most incoherent species of the planet. We know that the motor of our existence is our mind. It is the part of our body that tells us apart from the rest of the living beings. And even so, we have transposed all our knowledge in upgrading our lives economically, sanitary, labor level, etc., Forgetting about the most affective and sentimental part. In a primary school in the Japanese city of Kanasawa the professor Toshiro Kanamori, 57 years old, that has be teaching more than over 30 years. In Kanamori´s class, he tries to reach out the idea of the true values of life to his students and of the pursuit of happiness. Toshiro affirms that a professor's most important job is making his students learn how to experiment and sharing the different experiences lived making good use of each opportunity to express one’s individually. That way he manages to create between his students strong affective links, that allow them to be able to express each and every feeling that exist inside of them. When they laugh, the really laugh, they cry deeply and feeling everything with intensity to make them finally live life to its most. During a year, a television’s team recorded all that happened during the class of Toshiro to realize an incredible documentary that has obtained a great success. They have taught us that to express our innermost feelings makes us different - That is something that others do not do!- and because of it we, during the years, acquire a cuirass that you hedge within yourself to feel safe. This documentary demonstrates that to express what one feels produces in others empathy, complicity and that joins the people, brings them closer together. We live in a world than instead of creating bonds between us; we tie them down in order that the other one does not escape, instead of showing of who we are, or playing the necessary role to conquer the fellow being. Expressing our emotions either in public or in private is something that we are not accustomed. It is about time to change, as Toshiro says “Let the people live in your heart..." so they can live forever in our soul.
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