All bottled up in the most important dates of the Basque culture, collecting affection and the support of a great many people. And at the same time, one great of the cultural Basque panorama has left us after a life of brawl and passion. Xabier Lete has been one of those figures that who also in time will be appraised as he should be. He was born in Oiartzun in 1944 and one of the members of that mythical group was so-called Ez Dok Amairu very discipled along with Mikel Laboa, Benito Lertxundi, José angel Irigaray, José Antonio Artze or Lourdes Iriondo. He and many others have been my teachers and in which I have gotten inspired when creating many of my albums. He was poet, singer and above all an passionate of our culture and of our essence that he protected when it was not easy to do and in which he based later on in sculpturing true works of art that grew from his talent. In the course of his life he published many works and even having political responsibilities that he had to retire because of health problems in 1985. Recovered of his sickness Xabier continued with his work as a singer and poet and received rewards and very important recognitions like the reward of Felipe Arrese Beitia poetry, granted by Euskaltzaindia, or the one of the Basque Country in Literature. All artists always have a special workart; a composition that, God knows why, reaches the public's heart. Past the years or playing hundreds of concerts, the public will always ask for that book, that song or the melody that accompanies your name. And who hasn’t listened to Xalbadorren Herio-tzean sung by Xabier? I was stunned watching him reciting and singing the ballads of the folksongs with such passion on TV. His fists tight, his teeth and mouth with tension and with that stressed mouth and his gaze that emanated "emotion". Always looking into the deep inner feeling in order to stir up and express the hidden. Gora zu XABIER!!
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