EVERY TIME that something new happens, bringing to us a new discovering, normally it is to contradict a previous one, in that dictated the laws of physics, chemistry, philosophy, psychology, etc. Through our history thousands of examples follow in which, with a new finding, is thrown away what was thought to be before true. What proves to be odd is that today, after having experimented what has been mentioned before, in infinity of occasions we continue giving for certain what we know and we continue being surprised of what we discover as if it was the very first time that this has happen to us.
This last week all the media voiced a piece of news that surprised the world but again it is to be another case among many. An experiment carried out by CERN affirms that they have been able to detect tiny particles of matter, calls neutrinos, travelling superior to the velocity of light. The dimensions have not been able to been precise because, perhaps, our technology is not yet at all fully-developed but, if this is true, the truth is that this clue that has come from this experiment can be a new view point toward understanding a totally different universe in which today reigns, opening in front of our eyes a fascinating panorama.
Nothing can evolve on an unmovable base. I do not know why we always have the obsession of thinking that we know everything and that our knowledge is perfect and unalterable. What's indisputable should make us feel prisoners of our own laws but on the other hand it makes us feel secure and wise. How curious in the equilibrium we always find the two extremes of a same nature in equal shares. Or isn't it true that the wise man that knows is the one that knows nothing?
In this world everything is relative, Einstein already said it, and even after listening to him we continued to be stubbornly determined in which we know it all and we dominated everything, when in reality, every time that we have discovered something and we have taken a step forward, the same always has proceeded a process of doubt, because to doubt is to exist.
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