jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


Published in DEIA, Nov. 18, 2010

WHEN after an adventure that I have lived this past year and with the results in your hand to present it in public, you can feel of types of sensations. You always create a kind of profound respect of everyone's opinion towards your work. . One knows all that he has lived, felt, and even what it represents for him all that he has experienced in life, but the great question that always comes to my mind is: How do I make myself express to others and to make them have an image, the closest possible, of the outcome? Herria is one of the most special and intensive albums that I have had opportunity to present. Recorded in New York, Oakland, Paris, Casablanca, Istanbul, Athens, Boise Idaho, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Antonio Texas, Hawaii and Bilbao, this record is like the final attainment of an incredible project. In this occasion I have counted with the help, among others, of Eleftheria Arvanitaki, the voices of Chelle's and Friends, the quintet of Dave Douglas, the incredible All Nations Singers, the people of the Boise´s Choir, NOKA, Amuma Says No, the Texan music and so on, more then 130 artists of 28 countries or writers like Bernardo Atxaga and my friend Xabier Amuriza. A whole challenge of diaries, journeys, airports, taxis, education, schedules etc. Remembering the previous ones Etxea and Kalea, Herria has supposed a new turn around focus, something like curling the curl just a little more of the efforts and the complicities of it all. I do not exaggerate if I say that I am very proud of the outcome. It is not a perfect work but definitely I have counted on great collaborators and the perfect team. Result: 23 songs in which we have overturned to the last straw of what we have inside, literally emptiness, in a job that I hope will produce oceans of sensations in all those who decide to undertake this journey, around the world, just like our ancestors carried out in search of a better life. Kaixo denori, hona hemen Herria!


jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010


Published in DEIA, Nov 11, 2010

Sometimes we have to forget what one knows to be able to imagine what he needs. At times it results more interesting how to create and discover than to compile the necessary knowledge. It is complicated to assume why the human beings becomes mentally blinded in establishing laws and concepts of almost invariable nature, knowing about the relativity of the things. While we were making a comment about the curious existing connotation between the music, mathematicians and physics, a friend of mine talks to me about the theory of The Music of the Spheres in order to try to understand the existing harmony in the universe. According to the theory, backed up by important thinkers like Pythagoras, the universe would function as a giant-sized musical instrument. Each heavenly body would broadcast a musical note in terms of the arithmetic proportions of its orbits around Earth. Something like what happens with the strings of a harp, whose tones depends on the length of each one of them. Combining the sounds of every sphere with the other ones, resounding only synchrony, so-called Music of the Spheres would be produced, that could even explain the origin of the universe. But when the German astronomer Johannes Kepler appears on scene he theorizes on what we really can say, the type of sound that emits each heavenly body, it is the velocity he moves with and not the distance that separates it from us. Today one knows that the atmosphere of the sun emits imperceptible sound waves audibly for us, but that would prove that heavenly bodies emit harmonious sounds confirming the above-cited Music of the Spheres. And again how relative that is. The more we know, the more we find out more varies our perception of what surrounds us. But there is something that remains invariable forever. The importance that it is to imagine, in creating, giving form or shape to the unknown, which is where the essences of all search is located, the absence of response.


jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010


Published in DEIA, Nov. 4, 2010

WHERE do we come from? Where do we go? Personally, I am more interested in the first one than the second. The future is still to decide and to become. I feel more attracted by the past because it is tangible, demonstrable. Our history is a succession of success and errors, of calmness and tempests that work in a cyclic way. But there is something in the past that impassions me. Where do we place the beginning of life? And who were their true main characters? Little by little, one realizes that the answers to all these questions are right in front of us. Just as to every disease supposedly has its own cure, just the same, every mystery has its explanation if we know how to look for it well, in the most unsuspected corners of our own planet. In an article of the National Geographic discovered that the Geomicrobiology Lab of the department of Geoscience of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, Jenn Macalady, is analyzing the chemical compounds and the ways of life that populate the so-called Bahamas Blue Holes. They are submarine caves in the Bahamas that simulate what could have been the land before the invasion of oxygen. It is believed that life on earth began 4 billion years ago and only 2.5 billion years that oxygen appeared on the planet. During the next 1.5 billion years the life on earth was based in lathe beings that were ignorant of the use of the oxygen as a source of energy itself. Because of conditions, these Blue Holes are the perfect ecosystem to study how life could have existed without oxygen and to solve many doubts of the beginnings. But it also opens a wide door to possible explanations to assume that the absence of oxygen does not limit the existence of life for us, not even in each and every one of the million planets that exist in the universe. At the end studying the past we create our future. What's magical of all this is carrying out an investigation over something we do not know, because it brings us closer to the true mystery, which is at the end what we feel attracted to, to the unknown.


viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010


Published in DEIA, Oct. 28, 2010

Life teaches that neither the good nor the bad shows up always under the same circumstances. A while ago I experienced an incredible situation under some determined conditions, after a while you can live another one subordinate to other different ones which seems as amazing to you or even more than the previous. 15 days ago I visited the center Zabaloetxe Goikoa of Aspace in Loiu, where I had one of the most fascinating encounters with its pupils, people with cerebral palsy and other added disabilities. The act consisted in answering the questions that various pupils of the center had prepared and in return being able to be close to the ones that have the courage to face their severer disabilities in different ways, using the live music to connect with them by means of the various sensorial channels. Seeing, hearing, breathing, smelling, communicating, moving... In The Course Of life, one loses track of the importance of all these words. It’s curious to have to live extreme situations to come to realize something so evident as if life is a great gift. They say that happiness is a feeling that is experienced by contrast and I believe that in the same way consciousness is something that also grows in our inner self, or better said, awakens, because of pure contrast. I assure you that in the course of the morning I felt so many innumerable sensations that time after time I would get goose pimples. The warmth, affection, the strong emotions, indescribable, gazes, is something that I cannot put into words. Enormous! Life has to be appraised in his fair measure. So many times we blind ourselves in not being happy, we do not know how to diminish the importance of and we do not savor what we have simply for not being aware of it. When you attend to one of these events, one believes he is doing them a favor and ...Do you want to hear a secret? It’s quite the other way around. How much happiness you gave to me that day! Only I wait that this, that still it lasts... continues. If not, I can always go back to visit again. Besarkada handi bat!
