domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Oct. 27, 2011

Some times am thinking on how controlled that we all are. I remember some science-fictional movies in which in the nape of the neck of the human beings a chip is inserted in the minute they are born in order to have them controlled.

The thing is true that today it is not so exaggerated but definitely I stop to think: We’re born and they catalog our blood type, we are registered in the Department of Certification of Birth, we are obligated to provide evidence of our identity by means of an ID card, and from there on a constant control on behalf of the society across-the-board, and even they can locate us geographically by the GPS on our cell phone. But at the same way that I feel controlled personally, I discover that as to a cure of diseases, something in which I really indeed think it would be usefully taken a census of, goes and not only that we are not, but besides who wants it has to take his own initiative .

Janire is a Biscayan of 31 years that’s been fighting a 4 year disease so-called Bone Marrow Aplasia consisting in the disappearance of the bone marrow cells, spongy mass that is within the bones where the blood is generated, producing red, white blood cells and platelets. Due to the lack of them Janire he gets tired easily, she has palpitations, dizziness, headaches, hemorrhages and a great risk to a lot of infections of which some are mortal. All these symptoms condition her life and the only way out to this disease is finding a compatible donor, in which is very complicated because... Who of us know something about their bone marrow? How is it that we do not have an extensive record of our DNA and of any necessary information taken from our birth to try to heal suchlike diseases?

Only the man can cure man and only the generosity of some, or would even say to the civism, can offer hopes of a new life that needs it. These lines are to encourage all of us to get ourselves up to take an insignificant test and see if we can or cannot be a donator, of Janire or of anybody else.

Good Luck Janire!

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Astragalus nitidiflorus

Published by DEIA, Oct. 20, 2011

As always, and in the most normal way, the most incredible discoveries take place. A fan of botany took a bicycle ride by the proximities of the mountain “Cabezos del Pericón” belonging to the town Tallante in the providence of Murcia. While he enjoyed the day he noticed of a very weird and unknown plant, the Astragalus nitidiflorus or Tallante's Garbancillo, is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family considered in critical danger of disappearance, since then the only place known all over the world is located in Tallante.

All this took place in the year 2003, when it was believed that this plant had been already extinct for almost 100 years ago, and ever since the scientists have been accomplishing uncountable studies in order to protect the project of recovering this species.

Each living being has created there own strategy to face its survival. In general there are two types: Or you play in the edict of the generalist or in the ones of the specialists. If you belong to the first ones you are more adaptable and eclectic, at the same time of feeding yourself as in locating a place to live, etc... If on the contrary you belong with the seconds, you are much more demanding regarding nutrition and to the habitat. Equilibrium underlies everything, in its absence all that is generated hinders and destroys the surroundings.

Constantly the land equilibriums and unbalances have followed and in a epoch with hegemony, of the first and is close behind with control of the second.

The ways of life that have bear stoically the previous periods indicated before are the ones that reach a maximum level of development, taking sometimes advantage of, as in the case the human being, almost conquering and molding a whole system upon its way of life returning to break off that hoped-for equilibrium.

The more species that disappear more difficult it will be for the ecosystem to work correctly, because each and everyone of them are basic in order that life works as we know. So it is basic to protect the maximum of the biodiversity as a whole and not as I con-join of isolated species.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Oct. 13, 2011

There is a much extended movement because of the professional prestige’s activities we often use a very farfetched and difficult vocabulary that entangles and obscure our understanding of it. Often it is thought that the people, the less they know about our profession it seems to be more difficult to learn, to carry it out and therefore gives me a false prestige in a social level. I have never understood it but it is of course, its happening and happens if we look for some example of it, the computer technology is the most characteristic of them. Last week Steve Jobs perished, one of the company founders of Apple and the thinking head, or better yet the imaginative of the entity. A lot one has been talked of his person and of his disease but I would highlight his capacity of knowing by intuition which way without any doubts where things had to go. Steve Jobs not only did he not get carried away from what the whole world went; instead he opened a different way to a new way of understanding of the new technologies. He abandoned the university just in the beginning and he moved on more by this talent and innate imagination of what he assimilated of the others. He revolutionized the world, not only of computer technology, but also the cell phone and the way to listening music, always from the point of view of elaborating elements that made it easy to approach. The iPhone, iPad or even the iMac have marked a before and after in their respective markets and are the true reflections of what somebody as Jobs wanted to achieve. Disciplined, brave, perfectionist, demanding and most of all one advanced in due time, is how I would define this genius of the imagination more than of computer technology. They say that a hardworking resourceful life is far better than a long life and the truth is that, although it is difficult to assimilate that at any time it can end, it is so. To finish I will use a phrase of his that demonstrates the marvelous essence of this man.
“The design is not only what you see or what you feel. The design is how it works”.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Oct. 6, 2011

I remember my friend’s parents all thrilled explaining me the difficulties that they had to go through just in order to get to school. They had to pass a river by boat, climb some stairs and from there, walk a few kilometers to get to school. This was in the 1940´s in Orio, Gipuzkoa.

I, while they were telling me their story, was thinking that road they had to make, in which little time was there for them to be in school...,, certainly made a difference, the desire of those young people in wanting to learn, very different from ours, that what we wanted was to escape in the obligation of attending class if it was possible.

Something similar to that, but in a much more exaggerated way, are the children who have to struggle, the protagonist of this article. Around 30 children are obligated to cross swimming the river twice a day in the province of Quang Binh, Vietnam, in order to go to school.

The reason is that authorities do not count on enough budgets to construct a bridge that joins both sides and the children they have to cross a river that, depending on the weather, they can have more than three in-depth meters, in addition to an impressive current.

Children, from around 6 to 12 years old, arrive at the side, they get undressed, put their clothing into plastic bags and they jump into the water, not to swim which is impossible, but to let themselves get carried away by the enormous current using the plastic clothing bag as floater, with the hope of crossing the 20 meters that separates them from the other side as soon as possible. Just to let you see how strong that current is that the people from there tried last year to cross the river by boat, but they failed because it ended up getting carried away by the current.

Certainly, it is maddening to see the children in front of the other side of the river, draw the clothing from the bags and to return to get dressed knowing full well that hours later they will have to make the same trip but the other way around.

Why do these children that have to surpass such big difficulties to attend school, do they see anything fascinating in it and, on the other hand, do we associate it to the effort, to work, to obligation? Will it be that always more that the one who wants to the one who can?

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Sept. 29, 2011

EVERY TIME that something new happens, bringing to us a new discovering, normally it is to contradict a previous one, in that dictated the laws of physics, chemistry, philosophy, psychology, etc. Through our history thousands of examples follow in which, with a new finding, is thrown away what was thought to be before true. What proves to be odd is that today, after having experimented what has been mentioned before, in infinity of occasions we continue giving for certain what we know and we continue being surprised of what we discover as if it was the very first time that this has happen to us.

This last week all the media voiced a piece of news that surprised the world but again it is to be another case among many. An experiment carried out by CERN affirms that they have been able to detect tiny particles of matter, calls neutrinos, travelling superior to the velocity of light. The dimensions have not been able to been precise because, perhaps, our technology is not yet at all fully-developed but, if this is true, the truth is that this clue that has come from this experiment can be a new view point toward understanding a totally different universe in which today reigns, opening in front of our eyes a fascinating panorama.

Nothing can evolve on an unmovable base. I do not know why we always have the obsession of thinking that we know everything and that our knowledge is perfect and unalterable. What's indisputable should make us feel prisoners of our own laws but on the other hand it makes us feel secure and wise. How curious in the equilibrium we always find the two extremes of a same nature in equal shares. Or isn't it true that the wise man that knows is the one that knows nothing?

In this world everything is relative, Einstein already said it, and even after listening to him we continued to be stubbornly determined in which we know it all and we dominated everything, when in reality, every time that we have discovered something and we have taken a step forward, the same always has proceeded a process of doubt, because to doubt is to exist.