domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Sept. 22, 2011

Looking back I see some little boys with pans on their heads, and a lid on their backs, some sticks in their hands and the overflowing imagination. Some defend a small hill, others were attacking it and then the shouts, the wooden blows against wood and even one pan hits against another, which aroused the burning sensation of those created illusions for avid warriors to emulate big medieval exploits.

In most of the occasions we, the adults do not take the children’s games seriously but a little while ago I discovered an activity that, after careful consideration, is not more than a prolongation of our infantile adventures but taken more to its extreme. It is a festivity, so-called Rusborg that celebrates towards the middle of summer, in which all those fans participate in the historic reconstruction of the IXth to the XI century. All-comers split into two parties, one of them defends a little small fort while the other one has to attack it and, of course, trying to conquer it. The flamboyance of this festivity is than everything, and when I say everything, it is everything, what is used in this sort of complex game itself is constructed and manufactured with the same materials and the same way that in days gone they were made by: dresses, swords, arrows, shields, food, beds, stores etc., they are manufactured as in the Russian Middle Ages. On the other hand, in addition to the battles, in those encounters the craftsmen and all the Russian’s musicians participate and the people live, breathes and tries to experience the sensations that their forefathers had 11 centuries ago. "Here you can feel the past, touch it and even taste it", says Yakov Vnukov, one of the organizers of the event.

I believe that the sensations that the people live there have to be fascinating because there is an inside tendency in every human being to admire the people before them had to face life and their destiny. And talking about destinies, today that we travel so much physically, for us to rest our mind, flying around 1000 years ago wouldn’t it be a way to achieve the same thing? Certainly, there is no scare of trajectory.

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Sept. 15, 2011

All the results from the people’s group activity that concentrate in a determined place call our attention. To me markets, the turmoil of the stores, the bargaining or the people’s conversations in the different stands produce a sensation of life for me, of well-being that I have even tried to materialize in my last album "Ultramarinos & Coloniales". At the end they are so many stories, so many memories, which everything is engraved deep inside of us.

In the world there are many markets and it is difficult for me to just highlight ones from others because each one has his own charm, but the other day I saw a peculiar one, I’m not sure in saying it is fascinating or just crazy. It is about The Death Market, situated in a small town of Samut Songkhram, around 100km from Bangkok, Thailand. It´s an open market (flee market) in which, when you discover its secret, you cannot believe it. It is in the middle of a railroad! Several times a day the train goes right through the middle of this unique bazaar obliging the salespeople to move their stands just in time so the train can pass, then replacing the stock again in its place to sale as if nothing has happen. Everything happens in a normal way, without a lot of hassle, because the salespeople of The Death Market have an incredible ability to set and remove their stands, so when the train comes close they have to clear the track for the monster that every day makes his way literally over all their products.

The capacity that we have from adaptation in our environment is incredible and how when we value something we make good use of it, to its maximum. And it is a pity that when something is abundant or easy to achieve it loses all our interest and even we throw it away. In this case the space is a scarce good and I ask myself: What wouldn't these people do in one of those giant-sized shopping centers that we visit continuously and that have corridors and stores with so ample spaces?

The man’s imagination is able to derive benefit from what almost does not exist and I say almost because all that is imagined already has one way or another its existence.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011


Published by DEIA, Sept. 8, 2011

Life is full of small miracles that follow one after another and that, in being an ordinary thing, we disregard them. All the beings that we form this planet's biomass have carried a series of "improvements" always in terms of our needs for the hoped-for survival. But if all of this seems incredible for us when we talk about human, animal beings, etc... our amazement blows out when the characters of the story are insects that hardly surpass by size half of a human finger.

Without going any further a little while ago I discovered that, in the Mexican state of Michoacán, every year million of Monarch butterflies gather together to pass the winter amassed on the branches and the trunk of some spectacular so-called trees Oyamel. The motive is very simple but at the same time as amazing. In order to protect themselves of the freezing temperatures that the butterflies reign in those places, piled up one over another, they spread their wings skywards as if they were solar collectors reflecting the light of the sun toward their neighbors and sharing the heat. What a fascinating adaptation!

And I remember another incredible strategy that the Asiatic bees carry out when they suffer the attack of the sadly famous Asiatic wasps also. When the bees are attacked they crowd around on top of the wasp and they glue themselves till they reach the 45º C that it’s the temperature in which the Asiatic wasps perish.

What kind of mechanism begins to function in order that as much in the case of the butterflies as in the one of the bees among others, not only evolve the brain of a member of cologne, instead "contagious" the whole cologne and even the species?

Already there have been several attacks of the Asiatic wasps to our beehives. Einstein said that, if the bees extinct one day our land, the world such and as we know it would disappear in no time. We already messed up by bringing the wasp here. Now we can only trust that life obliges again our bees to uncover the key that turns on survival's secret mechanism.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Beldurrik Gabe

Published by DEIA, Sept. 1, 2011

At the end everything is relative.

So many times life pushes you around from one side to another to abandon your comfort and the tranquillity that one "has won" in the course of time. I still don’t understand very well why, but every day I am more convinced that when one reaches that certain level of personal peace, either for oneself or for circumstances of life, the same one, arrives and bottles you in much more "undigested" roads but in the long run offering many more new possibilities.

Today I am going to talk about an incredible adventure that began several years ago when Jeb Corliss, today totally an expert in what is called "Extreme Jump", was immersed in a very strong depression. Nothing managed to draw him out of that state and he came up with the idea of coming closer to this new sport of risk. That way, taking advantage of a negative feeling like absence of illusion for life he used it as a driving force to face a series of events experienced in life of an apparent danger. Jeb is an expert on jumping almost from any place with the only help of a parachute or a simple suit that helps him to glide. He has jumped from The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the San Francisco Golden Gate and there forward more than 1,000 jumps. His next challenge is in gliding through the hole of Tianmen in China.

Without carrying things to such an extreme like Corliss, the life of any of us tends always toward comfort, to the routine. It’s scary but at the same time it proves to be fascinating to check that fears tortures our existence, undervaluing the achievements that by means of our development we succeed, and it is when worse we go, when we see the least of exits in our life, when we are more capable to reveal and to conquer the deepest terrors, discovering an absolutely inherent magic to the human being, the one of equilibrium, only when you really want to hug death then is it possible to re-find yourself with life.

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011


Published by DEIA, August 25, 2011

Some weeks ago I was thinking about the issue of competition and the use of the same to evolve and getting better in certain practices that we often carry out. In reality, I suspect that the true motor of all this is the achievement of self-imposed goals by oneself or the circumstances of proving to be better than the other people, that is, everything is inside of us and we are, when it comes down to it, the artificers of our own development that always comes from overcoming of our own difficulties. An example of it we can find in a recent study in which it is affirmed that different birds manage to adapt themselves to the modern urban surroundings evolve much more their brain to move for more savage corners. In our cities it already is habitual to find blackbirds, thrushes, magpies, doves, turtledoves, etc., well then, according to various experiments the urban individuals have their brain developed up to a 20% more than their savage relatives. In my opinion, the secret is in the effort one takes to stub for its adaptation in a hostile and different means that change at every moment. The obstacles, problems, the differences, prove to be uncomfortable but, as in this case it is demonstrated, to be necessary to advance. It is flashy than nobody wants to face difficulties, and if possible we prefer to move aside and to get around it in the softest possible way and we do not become aware of the incredible potential that we treasure and that do not use neither develop every time that we avoid an obstacle on our way. I have always had the doubt of if the human beings are design to be able to reach much more superior heights of which we achieved thanks to the use of the confrontation with oneself and with its surroundings. The truth is that it is tiresome and hard but perhaps the rewards is well deserved, because everyone I know that confronted life openly and with the minor possible number of fears is a true treasure to maintain near.