Some times am thinking on how controlled that we all are. I remember some science-fictional movies in which in the nape of the neck of the human beings a chip is inserted in the minute they are born in order to have them controlled.
The thing is true that today it is not so exaggerated but definitely I stop to think: We’re born and they catalog our blood type, we are registered in the Department of Certification of Birth, we are obligated to provide evidence of our identity by means of an ID card, and from there on a constant control on behalf of the society across-the-board, and even they can locate us geographically by the GPS on our cell phone. But at the same way that I feel controlled personally, I discover that as to a cure of diseases, something in which I really indeed think it would be usefully taken a census of, goes and not only that we are not, but besides who wants it has to take his own initiative .
Janire is a Biscayan of 31 years that’s been fighting a 4 year disease so-called Bone Marrow Aplasia consisting in the disappearance of the bone marrow cells, spongy mass that is within the bones where the blood is generated, producing red, white blood cells and platelets. Due to the lack of them Janire he gets tired easily, she has palpitations, dizziness, headaches, hemorrhages and a great risk to a lot of infections of which some are mortal. All these symptoms condition her life and the only way out to this disease is finding a compatible donor, in which is very complicated because... Who of us know something about their bone marrow? How is it that we do not have an extensive record of our DNA and of any necessary information taken from our birth to try to heal suchlike diseases?
Only the man can cure man and only the generosity of some, or would even say to the civism, can offer hopes of a new life that needs it. These lines are to encourage all of us to get ourselves up to take an insignificant test and see if we can or cannot be a donator, of Janire or of anybody else.
Good Luck Janire!